Fourth Sunday in Easter - B - April 21, 2024

The Good Shepherd

How do we know Jesus is the Good Shepherd? The gospel of John answered the problem well: he laid down his life for his sheep.

Sunday Studies

FIRST READING In the book of Acts, Peter and John were arrested for the disturbance they caused when they healed a crippled man. This gave them the chance to witness for the faith in front of the Sanhedrin.

PSALM Psalm 118 is the quintessential praise psalm. "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!"

SECOND READING 1 John proclaimed the Good News in intimate terms. God loves us. Out of that love, he made us his children.

GOSPEL Jesus is the Good Shepherd. This was the message of John 10. He is our shepherd because he was willing to sacrifice himself for his flock.

Other Resources

DAILY READINGS for Third Week in Easter.

CHILDREN'S READINGS The narrative for the first reading described the healing and imprisonment of Peter before his witness in the Sanhedrin. In the story for the gospel, Jenise cared for the pets of others so she could make some money for the summer. She learned "pet-sitting" is hard work, yet gained the love of those she cared for. Like Jesus, she knew the qualities of being a "good shepherd."

CATECHISM LINK In this week’s Catechism Link, we learn that Jesus cares for us, especially in the Eucharist.

FAMILY ACTIVITY If your family has a pet, develop a pet care schedule so family members can share the responsibilities. Use this schedule as a focal point of discussion on ownership. How does caring for a pet related to the care Jesus gives us?