Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - C - March 2, 2025
"He can talk the talk but can he walk the walk?" That slang saying sums up the struggle that defines character: intention vs. action. Intentions might be good but proof lies in action. In Luke's gospel, Jesus addressed this tension with a series of short parables, some on intention that hints of arrogance, some on the results of moral action.
FIRST READING The book of Sirach urged his readers to test the intent of others through their actions.
PSALM Psalm 92 used a broad brush to paint the godly vs. the godless, the moral from the immoral.
SECOND READING In 1 Corinthians, St. Paul questioned the faith of those who denied the Resurrection. Through a series of rhetorical questions, he cut to the heart of the faith: belief in the physical resurrection.
GOSPEL In Luke 6, Jesus presented images of the arrogant moral guide and the diseased plant. In doing so, he urged his followers to give humble advice and live a life of goodness.
DAILY READINGS for Seventh Week in Ordinary Time.
CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story for the first reading, Sam defined a good friend as a fruit tree which, when nurtured, grows strong and bears sweet fruit. In the story for the gospel, Bernie was hurt by the sarcastic put down of a classmate. His older brother, Max, gave him good advice, testing others by listening and watching them, just like Jesus said in Luke's gospel.
CATECHISM LINK In this week's study, we investigate what it means to be a disciple and a good member of the Church.
FAMILY ACTIVITY Have your family members compare fresh and rotten fruit to bring today's gospel to life.