Fourth Sunday in Lent - C - March 30, 2025
"You can never go home." That old adage has some exceptions, of course. The lost can be found. Sinners can repent. Wayward children can find their way back to loving parents. I suspect many of you readers have experienced the power of family reconciliation, either as the prodigal son or as the loving father. If you have, you know the power of forgiveness.
FIRST READING In the book of Joshua, the Israelites celebrated their last Passover as nomads. That ceremony marked a defining shift in the people's history. Now they would move to settle the land.
PSALM Psalm 34 was an invitation to "taste and see the goodness of the Lord."
SECOND READING In his second letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul answered the problems of life's inequities. Life isn't fair. That's why God gave us forgiveness!
GOSPEL In Luke's gospel, Jesus answered the question "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Luke's gospel gave us the ultimate parable on forgiveness and second chances, the Prodigal Son.
DAILY READINGS for the Third Week in Lent.
ANNUCIATION March 25, 2025
CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story for the first reading, James celebrated a meal that marked a new adventure, just like the Israelites held when they entered the Promised Land. In the story for the gospel, Jodi moved to a new home in a new community, only to find she missed her friends, her school and her place in the world. Imagine how she felt when she moved back to her old house. The Prodigal Son must have felt the same way, joyful, accepted, loved.
CATECHISM LINK In this week's Catechism Link, we discuss our faith in God's family, the Church.
FAMILY ACTIVITY Share the parable of the Prodigal Son with your family members from memory as a part of "Story Telling Time."