Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - B - July 28, 2024

When It's More Than Enough

Sometimes the little we have is the starting point for God's blessings. This was the lesson the people missed in the multiplication of the loaves and fish in John 6.

Sunday Studies

FIRST READING The second book of Kings tells us what Elisha did with his prophet's tithe. He shared it with the poor, for he knew there would be some left over for him.

PSALM Psalm 145 took style to the level of substance. Its style created its own beauty, as it gave glory to YHWH.

SECOND READING In the letter to the Ephesians, the author (Paul?) presented the road to spiritual fulfillment through life in the community. Unity with the Spirit was found in unity with others.

GOSPEL This week's gospel shifts from Mark to the Eucharistic narratives of John 6. We begin with the multiplication of the loaves and fish. The miracle emphasized plenty in the midst of want, when we belief in Jesus.

Other Resources

DAILY READINGS for the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time.

ST. MARY MAGDELENE July 22, 2024

ST. JAMES THE ELDER July 25, 2024


CHILDREN'S READINGS The story for the readings was about a poor boy who had a wood train. That little toy became more important when the poor boy became rich. God's gifts can only be truly appreciated by those who know lack in life.

FAMILY ACTIVITY The food we have does represent our wealth. To make this point, plan a simple meal and use that meal to begin a discussion on how to share your blessings with the needy.