Family Activity

Presentation Prayer Box

In Luke's gospel, Joseph and Mary presented the firstborn Jesus to God the Father. And they made a sacrifice to "ransom" the child. This was an act of worship our families should reflect upon: offering God our best.

One way to make this point is a "Presentation Prayer Box.," a variation on an old idea. Take a cardboard box (a shoe box is ideal), decorate the box with Christmas wrapping paper, and cut a slit in the top for prayer requests. Place a sign on the front of the box that states "God gave us his best. Let's give him our best." Throughout the week, have your family place prayer requests in the box. At the end of the week, open the box and share the requests. See which of the requests God has answered (or is answering). Finish with a reading of Luke 2:22-32 and a prayer thanking God for all his gifts.