Family Activity

Share Moses and Elijah in the Bible

At the Transfiguration, Jesus changed before his friends. He shone like the sun. And he stood in the middle of Moses and Elijah. Moses was the central character in the Law, the first five books of the Bible. Elijah was the first and greatest of the prophets. Together they symbolized "the Law and the Prophets," code words for the Bible.

Lent is the ideal time to read more of the Bible, alone and with your family. Plan two times this week to read the Bible with your family. You could even share the stories of Moses (in Exodus) and Elijah (in 1 Kings 17-22 and 2 Kings 1-3). These stories will point out the importance of these men in the Bible. They will also point out how important their presence was to Peter, James, and John on the top of the mountain with Jesus.